Hometown Hero Program

What Does a Hero Look Like?

If you close your eyes and imagine someone who is a courageous, what do you see? Oftentimes we think of courage as something that is done in times of extreme stress or catastrophe. But in reality, our communities are held together by the daily, courageous actions of those who "show up even" when it's difficult.

The dictionary offers this definition of hero: "The mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty"

Third Coast Vacation's Hometown Hero program is designed to help you nominate an individual who makes your an impact in your community or has made a difference in your life or the lives of those you love.

If your nominee is chosen they will receive a free, 2-3 night mid-week (Sunday-Thursday) stay at one of our vacation homes. Stays will be based on availability and made at the discretion of Third Coast Vacation and all needs of nominated guests will be taken into consideration. We will also be working alongside other local businesses to provide meals or experiences to negate cost of these stay to as little as possible for selected winners.

A Hometown Hero recipient could be

  • A hardworking teacher
  • A foster parent
  • A public servant
  • A spiritual leader
  • A coach
  • A Neighborhood leader
  • A paid or volunteer in the medical field
  • You tell us!

If you know of a hardworking hero who could use a break, use the form below to nominate them for a Third Coast Getaway mid week stay to show your appreciation for all they do in your hometown.

Be sure to send along any photos or articles you have to help us learn more about your nominee. We will be working alongside our homeowners, who donate time at their property, to help us choose a winner from the submissions. Of course, we will let you know the status of your nomination if you want them to know. Hometown Hero Nomination Form

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